Japanese Archipelago love

Japanese Archipelago


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  • Encompassing more than 3,000 islands of the Japanese Archipelago, this hotspot includes the land area of the nation of Japan (roughly 370,000 km2).

    Biological diversity in Japan 2008

  • Japanese Archipelago, where for possibly fifteen hundred years it has shaped and moulded the character of a brave and chivalrous people.

    The Religions of Japan From the Dawn of History to the Era of Méiji William Elliot Griffis 1885

  • In short, -- to use the words of his biographer, which compress the nature and value of the great navigator's services into a small and easily comprehended point -- "if we except the sea of Amur and the Japanese Archipelago, which still remain imperfectly known to Europeans, he has completed the hydrography of the habitable globe."

    The Cannibal Islands Captain Cook's Adventure in the South Seas 1859


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